Perfect Derma Peel
Excellent results comes with post kit and full instructions for excellent results. Downtime about 2-3 days face and neck. Chest may vary up to 5+ days with additive. Face and neck or full chest $295
Additive for returning clients in series $325 same areas
Perfect Derma Peel Series*
Total of 3 Peels 4 weeks apart, with post kit and Moisture Booster to rehydrate after exfoliation completed . This post kit includes Growth Factors sunscreen and anti inflammatory moisturizer. Best results go online to for before and after pictures. **Paid up front at first treatment $975
and we schedule your next 2 peels before you leave.
Vitamin C Peel
This Antioxidant Peel is used to wake up dull skin, stimulate Collagen, and can be used before a special event. Even the day Before!!!! No down time! Beautiful skin same day! $160 3 areas
(Face, Neck, Chest)
$140 Face
Lash and Brow Tint Austrian colors $35 2-colors blended for lashes /brows
$45 3-colors blended for lashes and brows Excellent coverage!
Bitter Almond with Lactic and Glycolic
excellent for dull unhealthy looking skin and brings it back to healthy glow! Great before a special event! $145 Face Only
$160 Face and Neck