Thank you again voting Bonnie’s Skin Care Best of San Clemente!
Thank you so much San Clemente residents for putting your trust in me throughout the years. Professional products and services tailored to each individual person, is my main goal for everyone who comes through my door.


At Bonnie’s Skin Care, beautiful skin begins with proper daily care. We are proud to use professional skin care products from Skinforlife, Dermodality, AQ Growth Factors, R(G)N Growth Factors, MDSolarSciences SPF, Benev Growth Factors, and more. These products increase Collagen and Elastin production, while supporting your skin’s renewal process.

Bella Medical Products advocates the practice of less-invasive cosmetic treatments by providing cutting edge products to Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists and other medical professionals.

Our salon offers one of the best Microdermabrasion machines which offers outstanding benefits to our clients. Our Microdermabrasion, Nue Skin 500, machine gently removes the outer layer of dead skin, which remains on the top layer of epidermis. This exfoliation using crystals is a fantastic way to rejuvenate your skin to an optimal healthy state, has no down time, is affordable, and suitable for most skin types. Results are immediate and your skin has a smoother texture, and feels fresh and healthy.

We welcome you to join us at Bonnie’s Skin Care located  in San Clemente. Please contact us today and we can discuss how our services can benefit your needs. Thank you and hope to see you soon!